Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gene Lyons in ArDemGaz

I cannot stop reading this guy any more than I can stay away from my oreo cookie stash...but he's making me crazy. Regarding the attempted terrorist bombing over Detroit, he writes. 1. Fox News went into warp overdrive reporting it, 2. America is slipping into "sky-is-falling" hysteria over the attempt, and 3. Americans have little to fear from al-Qa'ida. KNOW THIS. The ONLY reason we didn't have 279 deaths on that Christmas day is...the incompetence of the bomber and/or his handlers. This is not comforting to think about, because people who hate America have a way of climbing the learning curve and correcting their procedures. We better correct ours.

1 comment:

  1. They have an advantage on the 'learning curve' because we give them all the information they want or need. Like -- "Hey, we are increasing our troops in Afghanistan, but we will be pulling them out _______".. Freedom of speech for the media is okay when it is after the fact and not before. Keep our secrets, secret. They are telling before they are kissing. It all leads to greed on who can post their stories first and get the biggest bucks, no matter the price Americans have to pay.
