Friday, July 24, 2009

up there in Cambridge

I'm sure liking me some Bill Cosby after he weighed in on the situation where the nervous cop arrested the black Harvard professor for being a little too slow and a little too verbal about breaking out some ID. Bill was slow to speak and thoughtful about each word in the interview (with CNN I think). He seemed PRESIDENTIAL to me. We need that from our leaders.

I was standing in a foyer one day long ago....when a cop appeared at the front door...having received a 911 call from a hidden alarm panel in the house. I was there with the homeowner on a phoneline trouble call. The cop stared a hole through me, then did the same to the homeowner. It was very obvious that he meant business and every answer & movement from either of us had better be the correct one. I'm just saying....this is a dangerous world....and there are times to not show your arse.


  1. Love your tribute to Rita! :-) Great song!

  2. I have not heard Bill Cosby's take on this, but I did hear Juan Williams of FOXNews explain his. Mr. Williams is a respected journalist. He is also black. In essence, he said that his policy, and the one he has taught his children, is simple; police have control and instant decision-making powers. If asked, answer their questions, and then be quiet. It's good advice for us all. Honey is much sweeter than vinegar
